
Always Available

Nothing to install or upgrade. Ever. All upgrades are pushed to our servers and you just see new features auto-magically!


Very Affordable

Spreedom is designed for Small and Medium sized businesses so we understand cost is a big consideration. You'll get all the features for $200 / Year. Yes - that's for your entire organization.


Deep Insights

Look at past leaves and reasons, remaining allowance, end-of-month salary and more with easy to navigate reports.

Simple workflow.That captures all the details.

We understand your employees time is valuable. So we have kept the application process simple to learn and easy to execute.

Leave Application

Email Notifications.

Your time is valuable. Sit back and relax. We'll email you when you need to act.

Critical decision points also generate email notifications so you don't have to keep checking the application for updates.

Generate your Salary Report. Based on leaves taken, extra days worked and other factors.

This way, you don't have to calculate what you need to pay. It's right here, in a simple report.

Salary Report